
TVB Jade Hong Kong

TVB Jade Live StreamTVB Jade (無綫電視翡翠台) also known as Jade is an entertainment channel. It is a free to air television station based in Hong Kong and broadcast in the Cantonese language. TVB Jade launched on 19 November 1967 as Analog station and on 31 December 2007 as Digital station. The studio of the channel is situated in Sai Kung district, Hong Kong and owned by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB).

The channel main focus on entertainment programs and one of the prominent channel in the region. TVB Jade also broadcast programs in alternative languages such as English, Mandarin.  IT is also the highest-rated television station in Hong Kong with 80% audience shear.

Watch TVB Jade Hong Kong Live Streaming

Watch TVB Jade telecasting high quality transmission from Hong Kong. You can watch 24/7 hours online transmission for free.(Press Play)
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WebsiteTVB Jade

General Information

Sr. No Contents Details
1 Launched Date 19 November 1967 (Analog) 31 December 2007 (Digital)
2 Country Hong Kong
3 Language Cantonese
4 Owner Television Broadcasts Limited
5 Broadcast area Hong Kong Guangdong and Guangxi Macau
6 Picture format Analog:4:3 (SDTV) Digital:16:9 (HDTV)
7 Sister Channels TVB J2 TVB Pearl
8 Competitor ATV Home


TVB Jade is an entertainment /general channel and broadcast a wide variety of drama series and sitcoms for their viewers. Notable drama series of the channel is listed below.

Sr. No programs Category
1 香港早晨及環球新聞檔案 Hong Kong Morning and Global News Archives News
2 城寨英雄 A Fist Within Four Walls martial arts action television drama
3 快樂長門人 (Happy Long Men ) Educational program
4 開心老友記 (Happy Friends) Lifestyle program
5 鐵馬戰車 (Speed of Life) police procedural television drama
6 文化新領域 (A New Field of Culture) Cultural program
7 味想天開 (Taste would like to open a day) Talk show
8 EU超時任務 (Over Run Over) action-thriller television drama
9 屋老友記 (House of Spirits) Comedy/ family, supernatural drama
10 愛情來的時候2 (A Time of Love II) Film
11 愛·回家之八時入席 (Come Home Love: Dinner at 8) Sitcom
12 幕後玩家 (Two Steps from Heaven) Modern Drama
13 財神駕到 (God of Wealth arrived) Romance drama
14 愛情食物鏈 (Love as a Predatory Affair) Romance /comedy drama
15 Y Angle Children program
16 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天 (No Reserve) Thriller drama
17 流氓皇帝 (Rogue Emperor) Period drama/Romantic comedy
18 潮流教主 (Fashion War) Fashion drama
19 性在有情 (Come with Me) Romantic comedy drama
20 公公出宮 (Short End of the Stick) Comedy drama
21 警犬巴打 (K9 Cop) Police procedural comedy drama
22 火線下的江湖大佬 (My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan) Comedy series
23 娛樂頭條[粵] (Entertainment Headlines) Entertainment news
24 Think Big天地 Children program

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